The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
Check back every weekday
for your daily dose of positivity.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Well now, isn't this nice.

Sorry about yesterday. I had to study away the last hours of the day during which time I usually blog. Anyway!

The Best Part of Today (Thursday) #14:
Looking up in the sky and seeing a shooting star that very same moment.

It was beautiful. I was walking back from rehearsal late at night, it was very dark and quiet and the sky was beautifully clear. I spontaneously decided to look up at the sky as I was walking across the green in front of my building and that very moment a meteor streaked across the sky.It wasn't in the corner of my eye but directly above me! It was magical.

The Best Part of Today #15:
[Other than Arsenic opening today and going fantastic,] the fact that our amateur sets which didn't seam together nicely gave me a perfect full-length peep-hole from backstage.

Even though I've seen the action play out at every rehearsal, finally seeing it onstage in front of an audience was so much more wonderful. And our rather precarious sets were somewhat warped from the storage process, putting cracks in between the flats just large enough to see through but not to be seen through. Proof that every mishap in life has a purpose.

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