The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
Check back every weekday
for your daily dose of positivity.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Soon, so soon

Apologies for not posting Friday, I'll attempt to make up for it now with two awesome parts of the day (and keep it in the holiday spirit, as per the December theme ^_^)

The Best Part of Today #34:
The grass crunching from the frost, I close my eyes and pretend it's snow.

I was walking across the lawn at some point on Friday night and it had the exact same feel as walking through a light, crisp layer of snow. It was certainly cold enough to imagine, so I closed my eyes and keep walking, pretending snow had finally come. It was a nice moment, and I didn't even accidentally walk into the street and get run over.

The actual best part of today, Saturday, was realizing that this is my last Saturday in my dorm room before Christmas break! (Of which there are 12 days until) Technically there is one more weekend separating me from the last week before break, but I will be going to pick out a christmas tree with me family. I can't wait!

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