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Monday, June 20, 2011

The power of the printed word!

BPoT #160:
I thought this day would never come (in a good way)

In a first-removed relation to my last post, I powered through a book today. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon was only 278 pages so not too long, but still it was a nice feeling to blaze through it. Technically I am still engaged in Looking for Alaska which so far I am enjoying, but kind of seeing a lot of similarities between it and Paper Towns, the only other John Green book I have read (and it was really good.) I am still perfectly it though, so the only real reason I stopped to read the Mountain book is because it is the first real book I have ever actually witnessed my sister both buy and read of her own will. By "real" I mean a full length novel and not a picture book or something of the same caliber (being an elementary school teacher she has a lot of experience with those). I was also intrigued because the last book I ever read by my sister's recommendation was The Great Gatsby and no offense to Mr. Fitzgerald but I didn't like that at all. Granted, it was a school book so it doesn't really count.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a Newbury award winning novel based on old Japanese folktales that are beautifully weaved through a creative original story by Grace Lin, so it's no wonder that both my sister and I enjoyed it. It has always been a great sorrow to me, an ever-ardent lover of literature, that my sister always said she didn't like to read. Now I have hope that it's not reading she's against per se, but rather that she just hasn't been reading the right books. I will say that she at least likes Harry Potter and Memoirs of a Geisha (I've read the former and only just tasted the latter) so hopefully I can keep that list growing.

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