BPoTW #3:
A quest coming to an end.
Okay okay so I haven't written in more than a week, but that's partly because I was caught up in a whirlwind of pre-move-back-in-to-school activity. (As always, the other part is mostly cuz I was lazy.) But now that school has started I am(/should be) back for good ^_^
Last week, I was still searching the pair of TOMS' shoes that I wanted, a discontinued pair called Love is the new Black.

Unfortunately, couldn't find them anywhere. So I decided to buy a different pair online, but the shipping was $9! I was beginning to feel pretty defeated until there was a free shipping promotion exclusively for the pair I wanted to buy, and the best part was I could still use a coupon I'd found! So my quest for Toms has finally come to an end. Sort of. I'll still be on the lookout for any possibility to get Love is the new Black.
BPoT #192 [Wednesday]:
What is a triaelstrom you ask? It's when you try to see as many of your friends as possible before you go back to school. In my case, it was three people but all at separate times because of the way planning works. I had coffee with one friend, lunch and a movie (Cowboys and Aliens, which was surprisingly entertaining) with another and then dinner and conversation with another. All in all a full and fantastically fun day.
BPoT #193 [Thursday]:
Back to school shopping.
Does anyone love this as much as I do? There's nothing like a shiny new batch of pencils, sticky notes, and notebooks to take the edge off of the end of summer and going back to school. Score.
BPoT #194 [Friday]
New and returning friends.
I was intending on moving back to school on Saturday, but with the impending storm we quickly switched plans and decided to move in a day earlier. This actually took away the opportunity to feel sad and nostalgic about leaving home since I was too preoccupied with packing up the car with my sheets, books, refrigerator and the like. Added to that, it was great to see my roommate again, and meet one of our new suitemates, who seems rather likeable as a first impression. I hope the coming semester will be as fun as last night ^_^
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