BPoT #185:
Attic? No, treasure trove.
When was the last time you poked through your own attic? How many of you have ever done it? If your attic is anything like mine, I would highly recommend it. Since I'm taking a Children's Literature class next semester I figured I'd look for some of the children's classics around the house before buying new ones. I was successful in finding my old copies of The Secret Garden, Goodnight Moon and Where the Wild Things Are, along with a heaping side of nostalgia. But while I was moving wrapping paper rolls and old coats aside to get to the kids book box, I discovered half a dozen other boxes of books I never knew we had! I never would have appreciated them before, but I found things like Little Women, Moby Dick, andInterpreter of Maladies, along some others I'd read before and lost track of like Bel Canto andBeowulf. I even found and old fabric hardcover copy of True Grit, which I was intending on buying after having seen the excellent new movie. Even though I love supporting bookstores, I have to say that the next time you need a book, I'd look in your attic first. But then go to your local bookstore the next time. ^_^

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