BPoT #190:
Frozen candy.
Skittles are pretty good. Tropical skittles are better. What's better than tropical skittles? Frozen tropical skittles. Delicious. Also frozen Charleston Chews. Especially strawberry ones. Both of these things remind me of summer at the beach my family has been going to since I was little kid, where the snack bar with the best french fries squeezes all their candy in with their snowcones and ice cream sandwiches and power ranger powerpuff girl ice pops. There's nothing better on a hot day than getting a frozen rod of chewy nougat covered in chocolate and slapping it still wrapped on a picnic table so that when you opened the package it was full of chilled bite sized pieces. Or you could get a bag full rainbow pearls that cracked like pop rocks when you popped them in your warm mouth and slowly melted to the perfect chew, while leaving sticky rainbow remnants tattoed on your hand for you lick off when you were done. That's what summer tastes like my friends.

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