Reaching new distances.
If you're like me, driving is kind of stressful. Instead of putting me to sleep, driving wakes me up because I get so nervous about it. I'm not a really bad driver, just not very experienced. But today I drove an extremely long distance (for me) on the highway and am exceedingly pleased that I didn't die, or even get lost. The worst of it was only that I had to take my sister's car because she had taken mine, which had the GPS in it, so I had to go buy another one and got a great out-of-box deal on the floor model ($40 for a GPS: unheard of!)
I drove for about 50 minutes to visit my great friends from school, Britteny and Sara (the one with the awesome vlog) and our new friend George (who also has an awesome vlog) from New Zealand! Now that is a long distance, my friends. And apparently the airplane food was not good (but the real surprise is that they even served food at all.) Since we are all very big nerds, we named both Sara's and my GPS Cedric, because Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders. (What the hell is a Hufflepuff?) For the same reason, we watched Dr. Who and made a TARDIS cake, seen below. (However I have been informed that real TARDISs are actually grown, though no one knows how. Which explains why there are none just flying around by accident.)

Sadly, "kiddie sized" ice creams aren't what they used to be, so none 0f us had any room to ingest time and relative dimension, either here or in space, even if it was funfetti flavored. Still I managed the second leg of my journey without getting too lost (minor construction-related detour aside) or exploded from overindulgence in awesomeness.
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