BPoT #150:
Deciding what to wear for a big event.
It's true that your personality is more important than the way you look, but for better or worse, your appearance is all you have for the everyday passersby. If someone you know well knows that you are generally a smart dresser, they'll understand if you show up to work looking slightly more disheveled than usual. However, those new people in the lobby who've never seen you before will not understand, and all they will is a slightly slovenly looking person. That's why it's important to dress your best whenever and wherever you can.
This particularly includes large events with lots of people where the expectation to dress up is high. Now imagine that the particular event in question places the focus on your personal craftsmanship of your outfit. People are not only looking at what you wear, but also how well you made it. They can either stand back in awe and gape at your garment, or pass by with a derisive look and an unspoken thought, Look at that stupid costume.
That's right, I'm talking about an anime convention. My sister and I will once again be attending Otakon with some friends, and after much deliberation, we have decided on what outfits to create and wear.
First of all, I shall be Rosalina, the caretaker of the Comet Observatory and the inhabitant Lumas in Super Mario Galaxy. Additionally, my sister shall be Princess Peach, and will carry her stuffed Turnip that will matched the stuffed Luma I intend to make.

Given that neither of them are in fact human, the dimensions of the costume probably end up looking more like this:

It should be fun. Pics of progress to follow.
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