The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
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for your daily dose of positivity.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Expansion of the Botanical variety!

The Best Part of Today #109:
Plant Growth!

If you're like me, you have the least green thumb ever. I have been informed by my art major roommate that the opposite of green is red, so I guess that would make us unfortunates red- thumbed. I don't kill plants (!), they just always happen to pass away in my care, leaving me red-handed at the crime scene (see what I did there? yea? ok, anyway...)

But this time it was different. Instead of buying expensive rosemary plants or tropical orchids from nurseries, I bought 3 $1 from the bargain bin at Target. If this isn't your first time reading, you may have noticed my occasional updates on their growth. That's right, growth, not death. There was one close call, though, on a day that it was snowing and I forgot to water them before I left. So of course, once the cloud dumped all their precipitation on us, they went on their merry way, leaving the sun the dehydrate one of my plants! The most robust plant of group, the aptly named Forget-Me-Not wilted. I did not want to believe that $1 was going to fail me now after all it had done; I couldn't accept that it may have perished and watered it anyway. After that day, it was as good as new.

They finally got so big, something had to be done. Something like this:
The plant in the lower left is the Forget-Me-Not, as green and leafy as ever. To the right is the Strawberry plant and Rose is above.

As you can by the size of my phone, the pot size has grown exponentially from the teeny little pots they came in. The growth has already exceeded both my and my roommates expectations. Our only wonder now is whether these plants will ever flower? Or even more miraculously, in Strawberry's case, produce fruit??

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