Seing a classic movie in theatres.
We've all seen blockbusters hit the big screen. We sit munching our overpriced popcorn, tittering in our seats through the previews, and then cheer for the title screen when the movie we've been waiting
months for suddenly manifests before our hungry eyes. After this moment, we eagerly wait for the movie to come out on DVD, and experience a similar catharsis when we snuggle into our couches with the comforts of blankets and slippers, even if it's a smaller screen. After that, films are sent to the shelf, occasionally summoned on whim. But what we could have that big screen moment again?
My roommate and I just saw The Matrix in a theatre. She had never seen it before, so it was a special treat for her to get to see a movie made in 1999 for the first time on a big screen, as if it had just come out. Movie theatres should really do this more often. I mean, I'd love to see movies like the Lord of the Rings in theatres again, but I cannot count on two hands how many times I saw al three of those movies in theatres. What made seeing The Matrix so special for me was that I never got to see it in theatres, but I love it just the same. So my first vote for a classic movie [series] that I didn't get to see in theatres because it came out before I was born goes to: Star Wars. Who wouldn't want to see Stars Wars in theatres, either for the first time ever or the first time in 30 years? That series utterly changed filmmaking. I'd say it's a good place to start.

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