The Best Part of Today #107 [Tuesday]:
Typewriter #3.
For the upcoming I'm stage managing, All in the Timing, we needed 3 typewriters. I have never needed a typewriter for a show before, let alone 3. Fortunately I just got a typewriter this past Christmas. Convenient, no? We acquired the 2nd typewriter from a friend who "specializes" in getting props for us, which left only typewriter to find. Another fortunate happening was my attendance in a Publishing class this year. The professor was intimidating at first, but then he opened up once he saw I was a book gee like him. This enable me to persuade him to lend me the typewriter in his office. Unfortunately, however, I had to carry the typewriter a half mile by myself from his office back to my room. But I didn't get to go to pilates the day before, and this effort was certainly a workout (for my arms and shoulder anyway).
The Best Part of Today #108:
FINALLY getting the classes to complete my degree.
It's not so much that I'm excited to finish all the requirements for my English major, it was one class in particular. For some ungodly reason, my college thinks it's ok to require English majors to take three "Q" classes (for quantitative science, ie. math classes) and 2 Science classes, one of which must be a Lab. That's 5 classes. An entire wasted semester of classes that have nothing to with English or humanities in general. Not that I have anything against some sciences, but they're just not my cup of tea (I would use stronger words os dislike for math, however). In order to diminish the amount of time this would waste, I attempted to double on some courses, meaning taking a Science that was also a Q that would fulfill both categories. Now, I have been trying to get into this one Linguistics class for several semesters without success. Finally, after hours of finagling my schedule for this semester, I got it. Sadly, my case isn't even unique. All the students I know experience similar agony when trying to sign up for classes. As the title states, though, if you persevere, you will (or, are more likely to) succeed.