The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
Check back every weekday
for your daily dose of positivity.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grumblies in My Tumbly

The Best Part of Today #31:
Getting a free bagel from a loyalty card.

I've noticed that a bunch of my BPoT's are essentially materialistic, like finding the gift card, and today's free bagel. But who say's there's anything wrong with a little material enjoyment. I'm no puritan. I just say enjoy life, in all its forms.

Plus, this is a fulfillment of Awesome Thing #369: Finally getting something free off your loyalty card ( You know, those flimsy little cards that are further mangled by, on average, +/- 10 punches that represent coffees, bagels, scoops of ice cream. But somewhere down the road, you will have involved yourself in a capitalist society enough to merit a reward. Like a free bagel. Hey, we're all a part of it, whether we like it or not. Might as well get the most out of it.

Third reason this was awesome is that, like the gift card, it was unexpected. I have an hour an a half break between two classes in the same building, so I usually hang out in Wilbur Cross, the office building across the street, where I get a coffee and/or a little something for a lunch as I do some extant homework. Today, though, I had no money on me and was just going to sit out the stomach grumblies as I finished up some reading. But then, thinking of all the thing in my id pouch that weren't money, I remembered my newly punched out bagel card, just when I really needed it. Nice.

ps. As the title implies, I am eagerly awaiting the new Winnie the Pooh movie. Are you?

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