The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
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Friday, December 18, 2009

Goal #1 (and 2 and 3, sort of)

Imagine that, I have goal already. It's a small goal, but it's not a bad idea to start out small when you're trying something new. Being a lover of language (I was going to make my url "langlove" but it wasn't available.) I have to decided to try not never to use any of that AIM-speech as I call it. Abbreviations of things that really don't need to be abbreviated like laugh out loud. Why can't you just say hahaha. How hard is that. Plus, the abbreviation doesn't even denote when you actually laugh out loud; it's just a stock statement, a reply you have to deliver to your friend to show that you're still "listening" to them even as you surf ebay or update twitter.
I'd like to point out, in the interest of avoiding accusations of hypocrisy that I do use "AIM-speech" when I go on aim, but I try to avoid saying the abbreviation of laugh out loud because it's just so overused, and a variety of other things I will not list here. Similarly related to AIM, I find that one's grammar and spelling tend to decline because of the fast pace of communication upon it, even mine. It is a habit and a talent of mine to find these such mistakes in published works, so I will try my best to keep them out of my writings. However, I am making it another one of my goals to not go back and revise these posts any further than minor errors because I think it will be more interesting to see my path of my stream of conciousness, even if I am my only reader.

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