Figuring it out.
One of the most annoying kinds of problem is one in which you know there is a solution but you just can't figure out how to get there. It's not like a situation where there seems to be no way; yes, this is frustrating, scary even, but at least you can think in the back of your mind Well, maybe there is no solution! Ironic as this may sound, the lack of a solution is sometimes more comforting than thinking that you're just not intelligent enough to realize the solution which you know exists.
This kind of problem is one of those little metal puzzles that taunts you by looking small and simple, but is infuriatingly complex. The easy way out is to throw up your hands and says it's impossible, even when you know it's not. It's the kind of problem in which you sit and stare at the source of your problem, hoping for a way through to manifest.
But the sheer vexation the problem causes is also the reason for the immense satisfaction you receive when you finally see the through. You might feel a little dumb at first for not knowing the answer right away, but tough luck, life sucks (sometimes). Life usually isn't a straight, well lit and nicely paved path but who'd want it that way anyway? Without trials, there'd be nothing to define triumph. You have to know failure in order to experience success.
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