The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
Check back every weekday
for your daily dose of positivity.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Let's hear it for geeks (of all nationalities, shapes, sizes and flavors!)

Last week was kind of crazy. I was catching up on schoolwork after my 21st birthday consumed the weekend before, and I was trying to get ahead because I was going to AnimeBoston on Thursday. Needless to say, in order to achieve this, I needed every space second of time. But that's okay, because my weekend was so great that it can take up 4 days and be a two part BPoT.

The Best Part of Today #124 [Wednesday, Monday]:

The Best Part of Today #125 [Thursday, Friday]:
aNiMe CoNvEnTiOnS.

Clearly these two are pretty closely related, but they are slightly different. I like to think of them as two sides of a venn diagram with a large shared middle section. Not all geeks like anime because there are varying degrees of geeky/nerdiness. (Geekdom and Nerdom are not even the same thing, but that's a discussion for a different day. They're more closely related than anime and geekiness are.) Anyway, the great thing about anime conventions (and comic conventions I'm assuming, though I've never been to one, and expect they are more firmly in the Geek side) have all kinds. There are people dressed up as characters from shows with japanese names you can pronounce and there are people dressed as Star Wars characters. There are Pokemon and there are Gundams. There are Kirbies, and there are shinigamis. Even if you don't know any anime, it's still cool to just sit and watch everyone pass in crazy, homemade costumes. Where else do you get to channel your love for awesome fictional shows? Where else can you go and know that every person there is a geek? Feel the love, people.

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