This is such a wonderful thing, that it takes up two days. For the past week, it has been at least above freezing every day (tuesday was cutting it close, but it was still warmer than it has been). The raised temperature has heightened everyone's mood too, including mine. As I walk around campus, I see fewer scowls on heads bowed to the wind and more genuine smiles, faces turned upwards to bask in the sun, like sunflowers. (Did you know sunflowers always turn towards the sun? And that they are called tourne-soleils in french? You do now!) You simply cannot be in a bad mood on sunny day. Or at least, it's a little harder. For one thing, everyone is very pleased to see the snow slowly recede, thinking this will remove the necessity to tip-toe around sock-soaking slush piles. Unfortunately, the snow is not uncovering the green lawns of summer but rather revealing a new hazard: mud. But remember, even this has it's merits: if the ground is muddy it means it isn't cold enough to be frozen. So set your countdown clocks, if you haven't already, because Spring is on its way!
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