The purpose of
The Best Part of Today
is to show that there is always something good about every day.
Check back every weekday
for your daily dose of positivity.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Best Part of Today #2:
Being able to take part in trick or treating after thinking I wasn't going to.

During my hour and a half break between classes today, I decided to go to the Student Union, where Trick or Treating was going on. I was very excited about this because I'm not going to be going trick or treating on Halloween. Like last year, one of very best friends and I are dressing up to traipse around Salem, MA, where, extremely surprisingly, there is no traditional trick or treating. (That's why the candy stores do so well.) In what then seemed a sad trick of fate, I found out that you needed a special Union bag in order to receive treats, and there were no more. I was close to despair when I started noticing all the people sitting around with stuffed candy bags. They got their candy, I thought, so they don't need to bags anymore! I looked for someone with a backpack or somewhere else to put their horde, and settled upon a girl with a particularly large purse (which wasn't too hard to find), and, after explaining the situation to her, asked her if I could use her bag if she was done with it. Happily, she seemed to understand my plea very well and was more than willing to bequeath her bag unto me.
TIME FOR FREE CANDY!! (the very best kind)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Best Part of Today

Hopefully this will become a new routine for me. Inspired by one of my favorite blogs,, I've decided to post what I think is the best part of the past day. It started with hearing the Lord of the Rings score playing in the Whitney Dining hall at Uconn yesterday morning, which I quite enjoyed as opposed to the normal regimen of pop radio music that blares over the speakers. I decided to IM the InstantDaily, a list of im's to Uconn's newspaper, the Daily Campus, saying that was the best part of my day. The today I had another thought with the same heading, so here goes:

The Best Part of Today:
Walking to and from class barefoot.

People were already staring at me because of the frilly sky-and-royal blue dress ( I was wearing for the Dramatic PAWS dance I was headed to before class, but my adorable blue shoes are more sinister than they look, and delved into their malicious side by ferociously gnawing at the tender skin right above my big toe and the back of my ankle. So, I went barefoot. It was 70˚ and had just rained so the slick grass and smooth pavement beneath my feet was quite refreshing. Plus apparently walking barefoot is good for you mitochondria, according to the Discovery channel show "Dual Survival." Nice job mitochondria, you got a good workout today. (